
Countdown for the DAN exam

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The DAN exam is approaching – and slowly it is getting serious. On May 27th, a preparation course for the exam is scheduled, and on June 20th the actual exam will take place.

It took a little while until it was clear that I would take the black belt exam this year after all. Due to new tasks in my job I had much less time for training in the last weeks. But then Sensei Andreas Brechmann came with the news that in our Seibukan federation a DAN exam would start before the summer holidays after all. A short arrangement with my Sensei Witalli and Florian, then it was clear: I am in.

Between the decision for the examination there was an Open German Championship (5th place Kata) and a Kobudo seminar with Sensei Frank Pelny, which I started. This will take place on 30th May and will also take some time.

There is plenty to practice, because for the 1st DAN in Lung Chuan Fa there are 5 Saifas, 4 Tai Tsukus and the 1st master form alone on the program. Ten Katas, in addition two weapon forms (Bo and Sai) – that takes strength. Then 40 Ippon-Kumite follow, for which I still train diligently with my partner Uwe. Bo block forms, break tests and an extended self-defence part are also not from cardboard. And then there is a little free fight and a few dozen push-ups.Uwe & Lutz

In other words – I’ll have to improve my fitness in the next few weeks!

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